Official Blog

10up’s Partnership With The News Project Makes Headlines

CALmatters Website

The News Project has launched its first customer on its new SaaS platform for small to mid market publishers, and we couldn’t be more thrilled.

You may have read about The News Project—and our involvement—earlier this year on Axios. As a long-time digital partner for publishers and news organizations around the world, 10up is proud to be the technical strategy and implementation partner for The News Project, helping bring to life its vision for a “news business in a box”. In engineering the core platform atop WordPress, we worked closely with its first customer—CALmatters—to provide customizations and ensure a successful launch.

At 10up, we believe the best talent isn’t found in a single zip code—from New York City, to the wilds of Idaho, to a dozen countries across the globe, our model empowers us to bring in the best strategists, designers, and engineers, wherever they may live. In a recent conversation with Boye & Company, I share important considerations for organizations exploring a distributed team model, challenges a remote work environment can create for growing companies, and insights on how we make remote work successful within 10up.

10up Project Scaffolds Released

Project Scaffolds Screen With Code

At 10up, we make remarkable tools for building and telling stories—and make those tools available to everyone. With a goal of maintaining the highest standards for design and engineering, we created a scaffold to help ensure the 10up standards are applied to all projects in the most efficient way possible.

Today, we are excited to open-source and release our project scaffolding application suite.

Supporting Higher Education at WPCampus 2019

WPCampus 2019 Logo

Every year, 10uppers across the globe volunteer, speak at, and organize dozens of industry events. Whether its a local WordCamp or national jsConf, a niche conference like Write the Docs or an expansive one like CMS Expo, we make the time to give back to open-source and share our expertise.

Given our portfolio of client projects and partnerships in higher education, we’re thrilled to once again be a part of WPCampus, a three-day conference dedicated to the confluence of WordPress in higher education, taking place July 25-27, 2019 at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, Oregon.

ClassifAI Brings AI and Machine Learning Services to WordPress

ClassifAI Screen Example uses artificial intelligence to create self-driving cars. OpenAI, a nonprofit research company backed by Elon Musk, created an artificial intelligence model called GPT2 that can generate text relevant to topic, tone, and feeling based on only a few words. Navigation services use artificial intelligence to decipher hundreds of thousands of data points to provide real-time traffic data.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are revolutionizing technology and when applied to digital publishing, the opportunities available to streamline internal workflows, enhance visitor experiences, and increase revenue are endless.

Artificial Intelligence vs. Machine Learning
AI is the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior. Machine learning is a subset of AI with the ability to modify itself when exposed to more data; i.e. machine learning is dynamic and does not require human intervention to make certain changes.

Search engines like Google rely on AI and machine learning to “understand” what your content and site are about and how it should be ranked. But have you ever wondered if search engines interpret your content the same way you do? Or have you ever considered how these cutting edge technologies could be used to improve your content strategy or reduce resources?

These are the questions we’re asking at 10up as we look to the future of publishing technology and explore practical solutions that streamline editorial processes, increase audience engagement, and boost profits—solutions like our new plugin ClassifAI.

ClassifAI is a free, open-source plugin that leverages leading cloud-based services like IBM Watson and Microsoft Azure AI to augment WordPress-powered websites with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technology.

With years of experience working with some of the largest digital content creators, 10up understands that AI and machine learning will play an important role in the future of content creation and website experiences and we’re committed to driving this technology forward in the WordPress community. Today we are excited to share merely the first steps for ClassifAI: automated content tagging and classification as well as the automatic creation of image ALT text.

Get Started With Gutenberg

Get Started with Gutenberg Books

I recently contributed an article to Get Started With Gutenberg, a free publication produced by Heart Internet. Jumpstart Your Gutenberg Designs With SketchPress provides a detailed tutorial on using SketchPress: a library of WordPress admin interfaces, symbols, and icons for use with the popular design toolkit, Sketch. With SketchPress designers can create high-fidelity mockups of custom blocks and other editorial interfaces for both Gutenberg and classic versions of the WordPress admin. SketchPress and other open-source projects from 10up are available on GitHub. You can pick up a copy of the book at WordCamp Europe or download the digital copy.

10up Heads To Berlin for WordCamp Europe 2019

From speaking and delivering product demos to volunteering at contributor day, #team10up is excited to be part of WordCamp Europe 2019, a WordPress conference happening June 21-22 in Berlin, Germany that attracts more than 2,000 attendees.

Contributing to communities that value an open web is a big part of our identity, and we can’t wait to share insights and collectively further the WordPress project. Several 10uppers, including myself and Brent van Rensburg, Director of Engineering, will be roaming the event, presenting, and lending a hand at the Google booth.

Presenting at Remote Future Summit

Brad Miller presents How to Be Successful in a Remote Job and Company at Remote Future Summit.

The best talent isn’t found in a single zip code and an international clientele requires a global perspective. Independence from traditional “brick and mortar” offices, freedom from commutes, and flexible schedules across nearly a dozen time zones mean we work when and where we’re most inspired and are available when our clients need us. At 10up, we’re advocates for remote work and know how to make it succeed for the company and the individual.

Nate Allen contributes to the WordPress Dashicon Library

Iconography design might seem an uncommon undertaking for a developer, but Senior Engineer Nate Allen recently saw an opportunity to make WordPress’s Dashicon library more inclusive. He took the initiative to tackle the design challenge himself, learning Adobe Illustrator in order to supplement the existing “businessman” icon with additional icons for “businesswoman” and “businessperson.” These icons, along with many more new icons, will be released with WordPress 5.2.

Nate’s determination to stretch his core skills and proactively contribute a creative, open source solution is a small but meaningful representation of the 10up way. Thanks for your dedication to the community and your craft, Nate!