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10up takes WordCamp Boston 2012

WordCamp Boston 2012 occurred on a hot and steamy weekend on July 14 & 15 at Boston University.

My WordCamp experience started with a vibrant presentation by our own Jess Jurick on some lesser trumpeted capabilities that WordPress offers. She covered some of her favorite plugins such as Gravity Forms, WooCommerce and BuddyPress while showcasing some sites that push the boundaries of WordPress far beyond blogging.

Sam Hotchkiss offered attendees another atypical take on WordPress with Using WordPress as a Web App Framework. If you have an idea for an app, you can produce that interactive, secure, desktop-like program using WordPress! Features like user support, admin management, security, rapid deployment and many other essential requirements of app development are all part of WP’s framework.

Jake Goldman, our President, gave a polished presentation focused on applying WordPress to enterprise environments where complex, scalable and mission-critical web development is essential. Topics included marketing to enterprise level clients, demonstrating WordPress’s value as an open source CMS with an enormous developer community, and the advantages of VIP Hosting.