Official Blog

I’ll be attending WordCamp Reno-Tahoe this weekend, along with our Jake, our President. Jake will be presenting 10 Questions I Ask Every Developer – a guide to interviewing developers that touches on basic and advanced WordPress programming, along with some broad WordPress philosophy. I will debut Extreme Theme Makeovers, a presentation that demonstrates just how far design can be pushed with a child theme, even for beginning front end developers with minimal knowledge of HTML/CSS or WordPress. It’s my secret recipe for customizing a site on a budget (dollars and time). Hope to see you there!

Megan Gray brings first class creative, strategy chops to 10up

I’m Megan Gray and I love 3 things: my family, great design, and WordPress. (Ok, and all the people who share my love of WordPress). I’ve been designing for as long as I can remember, or since I got my first copy of Photoshop in the 90s, and professionally for nearly 10 years now. During that time, I’ve had the privilege of executing design strategies for clients including Johns Hopkins University, Hilton Hotels, Arlington Department of Public Health, and the public television series Roadtrip Nation.

Before I got serious about design, I was a writer and editor for Washington, DC newspapers, a marketing strategist for Johns Hopkins University, and a freelance WordPress designer. My diverse background in all aspects of creating and managing brands influences my unique approach to web projects, and I look forward to bringing that to the table at 10up.

Megan Gray Samples

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