Official Blog

10up opens up an office in Portland

We’re proud to formally announce the opening of our first office in Portland, Oregon this month. Portland has an incredible online media community, second only to mega-metropolises like New York City and San Francisco, without the high cost of living. As a distributed company, we find the best strategy, creative, WordPress engineering, and systems talent from across the United States. As it turns out, 5 of our 25 full-time employees live in the Portland metro area, with two more living just a three hour drive (or train ride!) away in greater Seattle.

10up Portland Office

In short, this expanding, thriving technology community is the perfect atmosphere for 10up to begin growing its distributed roots into brick and mortar hubs.

Our Portland team is excited to have a local hub, and anticipate working out of our office for more than half of their working hours. Other 10uppers from across the country have already expressed an eagerness to visit the office throughout the year.

Howdy, PDX! As we mentioned yesterday, 10up is swarming Portland for a few days for an internal developer summit. We’re really looking forward to getting together with the local WordPress community for some conversation and a beer or two.

We’re planning on hanging out for a couple hours at Green Dragon, starting at 8:00pm. If you can swing by during that time, please let us know by grabbing a ticket on Eventbrite. We have space for about 25 or 30 and arrivals and departures will be staggered, so feel free to ping us on Twitter if you can’t commit until the last minute.

See you soon!

Coming to Portland: 10up’s First Internal Developer Summit

Excitement abounds at 10up as our team prepares to descend on Portland for 3 days for our first Developer Summit. We’ve finalized a fantastic schedule of topical workshops, where the team will focus on adapting and strengthening our collaborative project engineering practices.


Rather than adopting the speaker oriented structure of a standard conference, we’re breaking things down into multiple hour long workshops, in which a short presentation by a designated expert will be followed by hands on application by every engineer on the team. Each day, when we walk out of the door, we’ll have gained valuable experience that can be applied immediately to client projects.

We’re also excited to simply hang out as a team. This will be the second time we’ve gathered in whole and we have quite a bit planned – including a 10up community social! (Details to come)

As we progress through our workshops, we’ll be documenting as much as possible and will be looking to pass knowledge back to the community. Keep an eye on and our Twitter and Facebook streams for updates. Take a look at our schedule below, and if this summit sounds like something you would love to be a part of – we’re always looking for great hires!

Taylor, Zack, and Jeremy at WordCamp Vancouver

WordCamp Vancouver is coming up quick and 10up is excited not only to be a bronze level sponsor, but to also represent with three developers from our Portland contingent.

Zack Tollman, Taylor Dewey, and myself have all had the pleasure of participating in the entire WordCamp Cascadia circuit for 2012 and can’t wait to see the friends we’ve made and those we will make this weekend. The Pacific Northwest has a unique and wonderful WordPress community and we’re happy to be a part of it.

I’ll be starting the developer track off on Saturday with a talk on ‘Calm and Simple Code’. We’ll have a good time going through the reasons and best practices for remaining simple and coding with purpose when working with WordPress as a framework.

Later in the afternoon, Zack will be tackling the topic of cache invalidation in WordPress. It’s often easy to get started with the WordPress transient API and object caching in general, but things can quickly turn difficult when you start looking for the best approach to invalidating your caches to keep your data fresh.

And to top it off, we’ll be there for the first ever BuddyCamp the following day!

Be sure to look for us in our 10up shirts on Saturday, though we may change for your benefit on Sunday. Any topic is welcome. We can help you with your WordPress questions, converse about some geeky technical issue, or give you an overview of 10up and what kind of work we do on a daily basis. We’re always interested and we’re always hiring!

WordCamp Seattle 2012 Recap

The WordCamp Seattle organizers had great foresight when they chose last weekend for their 2012 event at the Seattle Art Museum. Not only did everything turn out perfect, from the weather to the venue, but 10up’s entire Portland contingent was able to make the trip.

We had an excellent time mingling and meeting likeminded folks and were impressed with the quality of sessions offered in all three tracks. I think the only regret is we weren’t able to attend them all.