10up Releases Autoshare For Twitter, Our Latest Free, Open-Source Plugin

Autoshare For Twitter WordPress Plugin

Autoshare for Twitter is our new WordPress plugin that automatically tweets your posts as soon as they’re published. Once you hit the Publish button, the plugin sends your post’s title, featured image, and link to Twitter, along with a custom message.

Unlike a myriad of other social media, multitool solutions, Autoshare for Twitter is built solely for Twitter. It focuses on doing one thing and does it well, with the code and interface craftsmanship we apply to every project.

Autoshare For Twitter Status And Visibility PanelWith Autoshare for Twitter, developers can further customize nearly everything about the tweets, including the image, author, and link, using an extensive set of hooks built into the code. Among its other features, the WordPress plugin:

  • Works in both the classic and new block editors.
  • Becomes part of the pre-publish checklist step that’s part of the new block editor.
  • Posts a high-quality featured image with your tweet.
  • Counts characters to keep you under the tweet limit.
  • Adds a link to the tweet in the block editor Status & Visibility panel.

10up originally developed Autoshare for Twitter to support some clients who sought more control and customization than other readily available solutions offered. Recognizing its widespread potential, we decided to follow our own best practices for managing open-source software by releasing it as a free plugin on the official WordPress plugin repository.

We welcome bug reports and code contributions on GitHub. If you want to join a company that cares about open source, makes amazing tools for WordPress, and works with major tech and media companies, household brands, nonprofits, and universities, come work with us!

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