10up Is WordCamp US Bound

WordCamp US

Each year, we participate in dozens of industry events around the world. One highlight is WordCamp US, the largest official WordPress conference in the United States. This year, we’re heading to St. Louis, Missouri for three days.


We’re proud to have two speakers leading off this year’s event. In the presentation Open Source, Open Process, Open Web, Helen Hou-Sandi, Director of Open Source Initiatives, will examine the histories of open source and the open web, and discuss how they apply to WordPress.

Jeffrey Paul, Open Source Practice Manager, will answer the question, “I’m not a developer, how can I contribute to WordPress?” in the presentation Contributing to Core, No Coding Necessary.

Contributor Day

On Contributor Day, attendees will gather in 18 specialized teams to work toward improving WordPress and training new contributors. You’ll find 10uppers involved in two contribution areas:

  • Lead Open Source Initiatives Engineer Adam Silverstein will be coordinating JavaScript efforts at the WordPress Core Table.
  • Open Source Practice Manager Jeff Paul will be leading the Tide Table — Tide is a series of automated tests that run against every plugin and theme in the directory and then displays PHP compatibility and test errors/warnings in the directory.

Google Booth

Google is sponsoring WordCamp US again this year. You’ll find several 10uppers at their booth, helping demo our work on Google Site Kit.

Attending the Conference

Also attending the conference and available to discuss all things WordPress and open source, will be:

  • Jake Goldman, President and Founder
  • John Eckman, CEO
  • Chris Wallace, Vice President Experience Design
  • Brad Miller, VP and Associate Director, New Client Strategy
  • Brian Bourn, Associate Director, New Client Strategy
  • Pete Nelson, Senior Web Engineer
  • Ivan Kristianto, Senior Web Engineer

Open source and its communities are central to 10up’s philosophy, and we relish these opportunities to engage and support the vibrant WordPress community. If you or your team will be at WordCamp US, we’d love to meet up and talk with you about our free, flagship WordPress plugins Distributor, ClassifAI, and ElasticPress, discuss job opportunities within 10up, or opportunities to collaborate on your project.

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