10up Heads To Berlin for WordCamp Europe 2019

From speaking and delivering product demos to volunteering at contributor day, #team10up is excited to be part of WordCamp Europe 2019, a WordPress conference happening June 21-22 in Berlin, Germany that attracts more than 2,000 attendees.

Contributing to communities that value an open web is a big part of our identity, and we can’t wait to share insights and collectively further the WordPress project. Several 10uppers, including myself and Brent van Rensburg, Director of Engineering, will be roaming the event, presenting, and lending a hand at the Google booth.


Sami Keijonen, Senior front-end engineer at 10up, will speak on Sunday, June 22 at 9:00 a.m. on “Maintainable CSS Architecture in The Gutenberg Era.” During his session, Sami will show how CSS methodologies such as ITCSS and BEM can help front-end developers write maintainable and scalable CSS, while maximizing the WYSIWYG experience in Gutenberg editor without rewriting any of the CSS in the editor.

Contributor Day

Contributor Day is a one-day event happening June 21 where volunteers contribute to WordPress, collaborate with new and existing contributors, and discover ways to get involved in the project.

  • Adam Silverstein, a 10up Lead Engineer, will co-lead the JavaScript Group. The Core JavaScript team will focus on onboarding new contributors, working as a team to triage good first bugs or tickets milestoned for WordPress 5.3.
  • Sami Keijonen, will be hosting an accessibility testing table where participants will test the WP Theme Auditor.

At The Google Booth

Stop by Google’s sponsor booth throughout the event to find 10uppers helping demo some exciting work we’ve executed over the past year with our friends at Google.

Out And About

While in Berlin, 10up will also participate in HostCamp 1.0, an invitation-only event for technical leaders in WordPress hosting. Participants will share insights and provide support to advance the state of WordPress infrastructure across the Open Web. Adam Silverstein will facilitate a participant-driven discussion on open-source contribution, intended to help decision makers at hosting companies understand the value of open-source contribution and discover ways to get started.

If you or your team will be at WCEU or HostCamp, we’d love to meet up and talk with you about our free WordPress plugins Distributor, ClassifAI, and ElasticPress, discuss job opportunities within 10up or open source technologies.

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