Get Started With Gutenberg

Get Started with Gutenberg Books

I recently contributed an article to Get Started With Gutenberg, a free publication produced by Heart Internet. Jumpstart Your Gutenberg Designs With SketchPress provides a detailed tutorial on using SketchPress: a library of WordPress admin interfaces, symbols, and icons for use with the popular design toolkit, Sketch. With SketchPress designers can create high-fidelity mockups of custom blocks and other editorial interfaces for both Gutenberg and classic versions of the WordPress admin. SketchPress and other open-source projects from 10up are available on GitHub. You can pick up a copy of the book at WordCamp Europe or download the digital copy.


  1. SketchPress is amazing. Great tool. Its useful & helpful. Thank you to all who made this happen.

    • I am so pleased that you use it and like it so much! It was created to help make the design and iteration process easier and I appreciate your feedback that it is both useful and helpful. Cheers!

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