Catch 10up speakers at WordCamp Europe 2018

WordCamp Europe 2018


Attending Speaking

This week, I’ll be in Belgrade, Serbia with a few of my fellow 10uppers for WordCamp Europe 2018, Europe’s largest annual WordPress conference, which attracts more than 2,000 participants.

On Friday Adam Silverstein, Lead Engineer and core committer to WordPress, will present Javascript APIs in WordPress at 10am. One of our newest engineers, Sami Keijonen, will also co-lead a 3 hour workshop focused on testing web accessibility. We’re also co-sponsoring a networking event with WP Engine that evening. The following day, Lead Engineer Ben Greely will present a lightning talk: Taming the WP Options Table.

We’ll be around all weekend; find me on Twitter (@gabekarp) to meet up. See you in Belgrade!

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