WordCamp St. Louis gets a jolt of 10up

20140301-085656.jpgThis weekend I (Adam Silverstein) am speaking at WordCamp St. Louis along with fellow 10uppers Rachel Baker and Doug Stewart. The event is sold out and we are excited to share our knowledge with the St. Louis WordPress community and meet fellow WordPress fans.

Our talks are all in the Developer II track, in support of the burgeoning local developer community.

My topic is “Revising WordPress Revisions.” I will cover the story and code behind the Backbone.js based revisions interface introduced in WordPress 3.6 and why revisions are awesome. What goes into remaking a feature in WordPress?

Doug’s topic is “Making Your Whole Life Easier With WP-CLI.” Doug will introduce developers to the powerful wp-cli, the WordPress command line interface. Doug will offer his perspective as a systems engineer, and expose developers to the power of administering WordPress from the command line.

Rachel’s topic is “Code with Care: Write Secure Plugins and Themes.” Rachel will cover how to protect sites from XSS (cross-site scripting), CSRF exploits, and unfiltered input attacks during common WordPress development practices. She will provide the security best-practices “how and why” for securing your code.

Each of is passionate about the topics we are presenting and excited to share with the local community. We love meeting enthusiasts, especially engineers skilled or brave enough to attend talks aimed at “advanced developers.”  See you at the our talks, and come say hi at the after party!

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