10up takes WordCamp San Francisco 2014
WordCamp San Fransisco was the first WordPress conference, has historically remained the largest (certainly on the North American continent), and is home to WordPress co-founder and project lead Matt Mullenweg’s annual State of the Word address.
In 2012, we brought the “whole team” out (all 14 of us), and watched with delight as our own Helen Hou-Sandi was called out in the State of the Word as a rockstar. In 2013, we decided that taking a team of ~35 was neither logistically practical nor a great way for us to focus on team building, so we brought a contingent of 8, and were proud to showcase four speakers and see Drew Jaynes called out as a rockstar.
WordCamp San Francisco 2014 is this weekend, and this time you’ll find a dozen (12) 10uppers roaming the conference. This year we’re proud to have 5 speakers participating:
- On Saturday, Helen Hou-Sandi connects her training as professional musician with her career as a code poet.
- Kicking off Sunday, Paul Clark inspires us by reminding how web publishing and WordPress can save lives and move governments.
- The three “WordPress in Context” lightning talks on Saturday feature 2 10uppers – and one 10up alumnus! 10up CEO John Eckman and Senior Engineer Rachel Baker are joined by former Engineering Director (now a leader in the university system) Jeremy Felt.
- Finally, our Creative Director, Taylor Aldridge, joins a set of Saturday lightning talks on Design & Business.
In addition to myself, our 5 speakers are joined by out-of-towners:
- Director of Engineering Taylor Lovett
- Senior Engineer Adam Silverstein
- Engineer (and core committer) Drew Jaynes
… and Northern California “locals”:
- VP of Engineering Vasken Hauri
- Senior Engineer Cole Geissinger
- Engineer Mark Chouinard
This year, the conference is immediately followed on Monday by the second official WordPress Community Summit, a gathering of community leaders focused on steering WordPress toward success. We’re honored to have 7 in attendance, notably:
- Jake Goldman, President & Founder (that’s me!)
- John Eckman, CEO
- Helen Hou-Sandi, Director of Platform Experience (core committers, and 4.0 release lead)
- Drew Jaynes, Web Engineer (core committer and a Docs project lead)
- Rachel Baker, Senior Engineer (long time contributor, heavily involved in JSON API)
- Adam Silverstein, Senior Engineer (a core contributing “rockstar”)
- Paul Clark, Director of Recruiting (business leader, unstoppable plugin maker, and core contributor)
Finally, Helen, Drew, Adam, Rachel, and Paul are sticking around for all day contributor sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Word is that live streaming tickets are still on sale for the event; if you can make it, be sure to find a 10upper and say hello!
Thanks for taking the time to attend WCSF and make it better, appreciate the support!
Our pleasure. Thanks for having us!