Celebrate 10up’s Birthday – Three WordPress Events

10up birthday map

On Monday, February 18, 10up will turn 2 years old (more on that in a future post). On Tuesday, February 19, a handful of team 10up employees will celebrate across the country by doing what we’ve done all along – playing an active role in the WordPress community at three different meet ups on the 19th (plus a belated fourth event on the 26th)!

In New York City, Director of User Interface Engineering Helen Hou-Sandi will show and tell some of the amazing workflows we’ve built for clients with unique requirements. She’ll be joined by local Design Engineer Christopher Cochran.

In Washington, D.C., 10up is sponsoring the meet up, already at capacity with over 110 attendees signed up! Local Web Engineers Taylor Lovett and John Bloch will be in attendance, and will make a few introductory remarks.

In Sacramento, California, yours truly (Jake) will be hosting, as co-organizer, the meet up “reboot”, sponsored by 10up. Operations Manager Pat Silvia will also be attending.

And while you’ll have to celebrate a belated birthday on the 26th, if you’re in Seattle, you can also catch Director of Web Engineering Jeremy Felt presenting on the merits of Vagrant.

It would be neat to say this was all very intentional – but it’s actually even more neat to realize this was accidental. We’re not quite sure what that says about 10up as we turn 2, but we like it!

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