Grab a Snack and Catch Up on WordCamp San Francisco on

About one month ago, the 8th annual WordCamp San Francisco brought WordPress fans from all over the world together for two days of talks and a Contributor Day, one of the largest single gatherings of WordPress volunteers ever. 10up was proud to feature four team members as presenters this year – more than any company, with the exception of Automattic. Several other team members came along for the ride, hailing from places like Chicago, Colorado, Washington, and Virginia. Web Engineer Aaron Holbrook even joined the conference volunteer crew!


If you were unable to attend – or if you attended, but missed a session – have no fear: thanks to, you can watch any of the 25+ talks from the comfort of your office or living room. One of the lesser-known community resources for staying in the loop and learning new skills, features hundreds of high-quality videos, including recorded WordCamp talks from across the globe. Most WordCamp talks are posted within a few weeks following a camp, so while you miss out on the community aspects of a WordCamp, you can still get the knowledge and put faces to names.

An annual WordCamp San Fransisco highlight is WordPress creator Matt Mullenweg’s State of the Word, a review of WordPress past, present, and future. Matt covers behind-the-scenes design and development changes to WordPress core and offers insight into his vision for upcoming versions of WordPress, both short-term and long-term.

More than 25 other talks from the conference have been posted, including 10uppers sharing knowledge on topics like automated development, project management, customizing the WordPress admin, and making a living with WordPress.

Director of User Interface Engineering Helen Hou-Sandi’s Custom Tailoring the WordPress Admin Experience is an inspiring showcase for developers and publishers looking to extend the backend for specific use cases and publishing workflows.

Senior Web Engineer Eric Mann’s Automated WordPress Development extols the virtues of using Grunt to automate code preparation for WordPress plugins and themes.

Senior Web Strategist Grant Landram’s talk offers practical communication tips for bridging the gap between developer and less technically savvy client.

President Jake Goldman participated in a panel moderated by Matt Mullenweg that explored WordPress Agency business models, covering topics like product production versus client services, contribution to WordPress, and hosting.

As a bonus, John James Jacoby – at the time an Automattician, but just 1 week away from joining 10up – offered a look at the social bbPress and BuddyPress plug-ins:

If you missed WordCamp San Francisco or wish you caught a few more sessions, grab a snack, put on your headphones, and find some talks on The next time you’re at a WordCamp, find a 10upper and tell them you saw them on .tv!

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