Thanks to a full sponsorship from Google, I’m currently attending JSConf 2013 (May 29-31, 2013), a three day JavaScript Conference jam-packed with presentations ranging from debugging to site performance. I’m personally attending the Yammer track, which focuses on curated content, and am super excited to see talks by leaders like Remy Sharp, Angus Croll, Rebecca Murphey, Brendan Eich. Today, I’ll be attending the Bitovi NodeBots Event, where I’ll hack Arduino-based robots and program them with JavaScript – not exactly something I have a chance to do every day!
I’m excited to be here, and would love to connect with anyone interested in WordPress, JavaScript, or 10up. You can connect with me on Twitter and look for me at JSConf 2013!
So awesome! Looking forward to hearing more, especially about the Arduino hacking.
Good luck in the bot battles ;)
Jealous …