Grant Landram brings his web strategy passion to 10up

My name is Grant and I’m thrilled to be joining the 10up family as a Senior Web Strategist. Although I don’t feel very Senior, I do feel extremely excited to bring my 5+ years of experience in entrepreneurship, web strategy, design and development to team 10up.

As a young student in business school I had wandering passions for business, economics and mathematics, all of whose depressingly boring early career paths led me to find the world of startups and the Internet. In my pursuit for more engaging and accessible outlets for my creative energy, I started experimenting with web design, PHP, and eventually WordPress. After those actions, I was hooked (see also: bad puns).

As I learned more about the economics of the internet, I quickly began building a business around web strategy. Being self-employed since 2009, I accrued an array of experiences including SEO and link building, consulting for tech startups, speaking about organizational economics and business strategy, managing large projects for Fortune 500 clients, even a brief 11-month affair with my own SaaS startup. In the end WordPress won my heart, and for the past few years I’ve built websites and web applications with WordPress, spoken at WordCamps, and organized meet-ups and WordCamps in the beautiful, amazing, it-doesn’t-rain-as-much-as-you-might-think city of Seattle, Washington.

Underlying my entrepreneurial journey has been a drive to dream, strategize, build, and deploy solutions to real world problems. It’s this passion that I now bring to 10up. As a Senior Web Strategist I look forward to digging in with a team of second-to-none developers, designers, and strategists to create like never before.

Editor’s note from Jake: About a month ago, I made a list of seemingly ideal, possibly available candidates both inside and outside of the WordPress ecosystem for key roles at 10up. As 10up continues to mature, smart, well-spoken, driven leaders are increasingly critical to our success. Grant came to know and love our community on his own and is an incredibly passionate and eloquent speakers on the subject of web strategy. Our discussions were natural, organic, and energizing. I’m very proud to welcome Grant aboard!


  1. Serious congrats, Grant! You’re in terrific company at 10up and you’ll do great things there, I’m sure. They’re lucky to have you. :)

    • Thanks Eric, I’m excited, feeling lucky as well :)

  2. Congratulations, Grant! I can’t think of a more deserving person. See you at Thursday’s MeetUp?

    • Thanks Lee! See you Thursday!


    • Thanks Derek!

  4. Congratulations Grant and the 10up team. I’ve known many fine men in my short 60 years…none finer than Grant. This is a “win-win”… well done, Jake.

    • Agreed, Bruce! 10up is lucky to have him! Congratulations, Grant!!

    • Thank you both! A win win for sure!

  5. Congrats Grant! Love your passion for business, WordPress and the WordPress community.

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