Upcoming WordCamp Sessions

I’m excited to announce that I’ll be speaking again at both WordCamp Boston and WordCamp Chicago in July.

In Boston, I’ll be introducing newer users to approaching WordPress as a full fledged content management system. We’ll explore what a “full fledged CMS” actually means, and how to approach defining your requirements and thinking about your content. We’ll take a look at the administrative section of some complex CMS implementations to show what’s really possible. Then we’ll put ideas and strategy aside and review some configuration options and plug-ins that even the most basic users can latch onto to get started. My session is on Sunday, July 24th at 1:30 pm in the “How To” track. I’ll be attending all weekend, so be sure to find me and say hi!

I’ll be speaking to developers again in Chicago, where I’ll follow up on last year’s “Customizing WordPress Administration” talk with a focus on the visual / WYSIWYG editor. Editing the Editor will introduce techniques for tailoring the visual editor to your theme or client. It will cover adding custom stylesheets based on post type to the editor, modifying what WordPress strips out from the editor, customizing the “styles” drop down with new properties, removing buttons from the TinyMCE editor, and even creating your own custom buttons for the TinyMCE toolbar. If you really want to refine the content management experience for your clients, this session is a must! WordCamp Chicago is on July 30-31st.

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