Jake, Helen take WordCamp Philly 2011

Had a great time with Helen at WordCamp Philly. In case you missed it, Helen was one of four panelists speaking to WordPress in higher education during lunch, where she discussed her experience rolling out the Eastman School of Music’s website in WordPress. Helen was the only panelist from a consulting shop. I shared my Editing the Visual Editor talk in the developer track. The presentation was updated to incorporate a new tip and feature some of the relevant new tools WordPress 3.3 – and the new wp_editor function – put at our finger tips. Both of us also participated in the core development session on Sunday, and submitted core patches.


  1. […] move towards giving employees the opportunity to contribute to WordPress. Both attended WordCamp Philly 2011 where they discussed the idea over dinner. “We talked about our shared values in the […]

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