
On the heels of part 1, part 2 of my Advanced Power Tips for WordPress Template developers was published on Smashing Magazine this morning. The article made it up to #2 on the Delicious popular bookmarks list during the day. Part 2 reviews techniques for delivering a more elegant, customized administrative experience.


  1. […] Meta « Smashing Magazine: Advanced Power Tips for WordPress Template Developers (Reloaded) […]

  2. Hey Jake,

    Thanks for the articles! I enjoyed them :)
    But I still got something I don’t now how to solve with WordPress :(

    I have certain post on pages. And I want the user to be able to filter the posts instantly on category.

    Something like this site:

    If you check a box on the left side, it has to filter all the other categories.

    Is this possible on WordPress, because I can’t find anything about it.

    With regards,

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