WordPress.com VIP, Global News talk redesign and 10up

Less than one month ago, Global News released a brand new website, engineered by 10up and hosted on WordPress.com VIP. With features like content tailored automatically to the visitor’s geolocation, highly curated home pages, and beautiful responsive design, we couldn’t be more proud to have been part of the Global News redesign team.  You can read more about our involvement by checking out our extended case study.

On Thursday, the WordPress.com VIP publisher blog posted a Q&A with Keith Robinson, Manager of Digital Products at Global News, where he took some time to highlight some of our contributions:

“10up helped us come up with a curation system that powers a lot of the site: the navigation, carousel, featured story, top story. It’s all one system that gives different choices.”

“We engaged with 10up in the fall to do the WordPress integration…we were very fortunate to hire some really top talent to work with us, and we’ve been working with really good partners.”

“10up brought a lot in terms of being able to listen to our needs and turn it into a functional site. They were great for us because we were at a stage where we needed things done very quickly and needed to discuss exactly what we were looking to do and how we were looking to do it–they helped us go from the discovery process to the implementation…we really benefited from the partnership and they were good to work with.”

You can read the full Q&A here.

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