10up sponsors & organizes WordPress Boston Hack Day

boston-hack-dayHands down, one of my favorite parts about working at 10up is our commitment to enhancing and improving the WordPress community. As a part of team 10up, we’re encouraged to get involved, contribute to core, and help shape WordPress. In fact, in WordPress 3.5, you can find 10 of us on the credits screen, including Helen, a Director at 10up, and one of only 20 faces on that screen!

I recently became a part of the WordPress Boston organizing team. My first organizing event is also the first ever WordPress Boston Hack Day, which is taking place next Saturday from 10am-6pm at Bocoup. It’s a day dedicated to developers working together on core WordPress tickets. We’re going to start with an introduction by lead developers Mark Jaquith and Andrew Nacin. Mark will fill everyone in on the state of the development cycle since WordPress 3.5 came out, and tell us how we can help. It’s a great opportunity for new contributors to get their feet wet, as we spend the day coding, testing, and documenting.

I’m really happy to announce that 10up is going to be sponsoring the hackathon! This is sure to be a productive day, so if you’re in the Boston area and looking to get your name in the credits, join us at Bocoup. And if you love hacking core, and want to do more of that, get in touch  – we’re always looking for your type!

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