WordCamp Toronto: Developers

This is a post about a WordCamp. It is far from the first one: we sponsor and send people to a number of them each year . This past weekend I had the opportunity to speak at WordCamp Toronto: Developers.

Toronto has now held the second developer-centric WordCamp. The idea—as it was explained during the opening remarks—is that these are viability tests of niche WordCamps.

The Toronto organizers are (rightly) considering the test a success. They sold out tickets with an attendance near 300 and a slate of talented speakers despite Hurricane Sandy forcing a last-minute call for speakers.

I had the opportunity to speak about how to create websites tailored to the people using them through a process called Interaction Design. This half science, half design discipline answers questions such as:

  • Who is the site being created for, what do we mean by “user?”
  • What tasks and goals should this website address?
  • How will someone interact with the website?

My slides are online, the talk will be posted to WordCamp.tv eventually, and @sachac drew this really nifty summarizing sketchnote:Visualized notes of my presentation

Of course, you’re also welcome to reach out to us directly if you would like to know more about how Interaction Design can help create harmonious human-computer interfaces.

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