
Slides: Enterprise Class WordPress

Updated 9/16/2012 with the latest version of the deck, presented at WordCamp Los Angeles.

Here are my slides from Enterprise Class WordPress – a talk I debuted at WordCamp Orange County last weekend. Like What Would Core Do?, the focus was on big ideas, not code. I found this difficult to formulate, largely because it involves a complex “problem” that’s more human than technical, and as such, requires a lot of generalizing. I do think that the underlying ideas are important to WordPress’s growth, and I’d like to see the conversation percolate. I plan to refine the talk and explore this with other communities and at other camps – starting with Boston. Please chime in with ideas!


  1. […] Goldman, our President, gave a polished presentation focused on applying WordPress to enterprise environments where complex, scalable and mission-critical web development is essential. Topics included […]

  2. […] in Orange County, but the Boston version was the first to make it up to You can also see the standalone slides from the original version (which has evolved a […]

  3. Jake,

    Thanks for presenting at WordCamp LA 2012! I really appreciated your approach and insight into developing wordpress for enterprise level projects. You have a relaxed yet professional way of speaking and I’m sure that has helped fuel your success.

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