Join us at WordCamp NYC 2012

I am excited to announce that Jake, Helen, and I will be speaking at WordCamp NYC 2012 – which we’re also sponsoring – on June 9-10. This will be my first time to speak at a WordCamp. Jake and Helen are old pros.

In Jake’s presentation, he will be asking: “What would core do?”, and challenging you to keep asking yourself the same as you add your themes and plugins to WordPress. He will show you how to extend core “with class and consistency”.

Helen will be talking about: “Making Plugins and Themes Disappear into the WordPress Admin. One of the best things about WordPress is its beautiful admin UI.” Helen suggests, “We should take advantage of what is built-in and also strive to have our additions look as though they are native.”

I will be talking about: Actions and Filters in Core JavaScript. As JavaScript becomes an ever more important part of the WordPress admin, knowing how to use these JavaScript hooks will become as essential as knowing PHP hooks.

If you are in the New York area, come see us. We would look forward to meeting you (or seeing you again).

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