10up Hits The Roads And Skies For Conferences Across The Globe

Fall Conference Logos

As summer comes to a close, conference season kicks into high gear. This means 10uppers are taking to the roads and skies to attend and speak at conferences and events around the globe.

  • Will Davis, Senior Web Strategist, will attend ONA19—the Online News Association annual conference—September 12-14, 2019, which covers the latest trends and best practices in digital media. Our partners from The News Project will also be in attendance.
  • John Eckman, CEO, will participate in the Boye & Co CMS Experts Group meeting September 18-19, 2019, where CMS analysts, thinkers, practitioners, experts, and vendors meet, set the agenda for future industry developments, provide feedback, and share thoughts and ideas.
  • Brad Miller, Vice President and Dean Haddock, Associate Director, New Client Strategy will attend the Digiday Publishing Summit September 23-25, 2019. The summit will address how publishers are keeping up with both internal and external pressures to find harmony—from audience models to advertising versus subscriptions, even balancing the strength of a brand.
  • Along with our partners at Google, 10up will participate in the LION Publishers Summit, October 24-26, 2019, to talk about some work we’re doing optimizing revenue for small publishers.

From Git and the new WordPress block editor, to Google Site Kit and website security, several 10uppers will be giving back by speaking and sharing their expertise at WordCamps in Mexico, the United States, and South Africa. WordCamps are community-organized conferences centered around WordPress, the world’s leading open-source content management system that powers more than one-third of websites around the world.

  • Mario Aguiar, Front-end Engineer, will speak Saturday, August 31 at WordCamp Mexico City. His talk, Advanced Use Of Git And WordPress, will show how 10up uses Git to prevent errors, facilitate collaboration, and troubleshoot incidents.
  • John Eckman, our CEO, will present Saturday, September 14 at WordCamp NYC. In Don’t Fear The Block, John will dig into the new block editor (Gutenberg), covering real production examples, core blocks, block libraries, “block-aware” themes, and custom blocks.
  • Jake Goldman, President and founder, will speak Saturday, September 21 at WordCamp Sacramento about Google Site Kit, Google’s official, first-party integration for WordPress. The Site Kit plugin securely brings contextual intelligence from powerful tools like Analytics, Lighthouse, Search Console, and AdSense into WordPress.
  • Vasken Hauri, Vice President of Platforms and Systems, will speak Sunday, September 22 at WordCamp Sacramento, sharing What Trying To Farm Taught Me About Open Source. His session will examine the parallels between seemingly unrelated industries and create compelling examples of why the open exchange of information can ultimately benefit us all.
  • Shakir Ali, Senior Systems Engineer, will present WordPress Security Best Practices Saturday, October 5 at WordCamp Rochester. In this talk, Shakir will outline how 10up manages highly secure website infrastructure within WordPress.

If you’re planning to participate in any of these events, be sure to find us—we’d love to talk about digital strategy, our free WordPress solutions for content creators like Distributor, ClassifAI, and ElasticPress, or discuss job opportunities within 10up.

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