Presenting at Remote Future Summit

Brad Miller presents How to Be Successful in a Remote Job and Company at Remote Future Summit.

The best talent isn’t found in a single zip code and an international clientele requires a global perspective. Independence from traditional “brick and mortar” offices, freedom from commutes, and flexible schedules across nearly a dozen time zones mean we work when and where we’re most inspired and are available when our clients need us. At 10up, we’re advocates for remote work and know how to make it succeed for the company and the individual.

On Wednesday, May 15, I will share our strategy and approach at Remote Future Summit – the largest global online conference on remote work and distributed teams. My presentation, “How To Be Successful in a Remote Job and Company,” is a part of the Remote Makers track, where managers, CEOs, and investors address needs specific to growing and scaling a remote workforce. It will cover my experience running remote teams and how communication, documentation, and striking the right work/life balance can keep remote workers engaged, aligned, and thriving.

This virtual conference is presented entirely online. You can watch in real time for free or purchase 3-month access to all conference content. Don’t miss your chance to learn best practices on how to effectively join the remote workforce.

If you’re looking for a remote position now, explore what it means to be a part of #Team10up!

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