Gearing up for WordCamp US

WordCamp US 2018

#team10up is returning to Nashville for WordCamp US 2018, the largest official WordPress conference hosted in the United States! Being part of the open-source community is a big part of our identity, and we’re especially happy to be participating in so many ways this year, from speaking, to co-sponsoring events, to facilitating and attending, we’re here to immerse ourselves and help foster a great event.


Helen Hou-Sandi, our Director of Open Source Initiatives, will be speaking on Saturday, December 8th at 11 a.m. Through her work building editorial experiences in WordPress core and for 10up solutions, Helen has seen the need to innovate beyond familiar UI elements like metaboxes, which are sometimes overly relied upon. In “Metaboxes Considered Harmful” she’ll be reviewing some creative solutions from the past that have broken outside of the bounds of metaboxes and other form-centric interfaces while still maintaining that WordPress “feel.” She will look at practical examples where rethinking the editorial experience and interface led to significantly better outcomes for both builders and content creators alike.

After her talk, she’ll be at the Happiness Bar until lunch to chat and answer any questions.

Contributor Day

As an Open Source Engineer at 10up, I’m looking forward to co-leading the Core team at Contributor Day on Sunday, December 9th at the Music City Center in Exhibit Hall B.

I’m always inspired by the opportunity to onboard contributors to WordPress. Contributing to open source has been one of the most rewarding activities of my career, helping me grow immensely as an engineer. At WCUS Contributor Day, I’ll help ramp up new contributors and support efforts to improve Gutenberg accessibility and in merging end-to-end Gutenberg tests into core.

People of all skill levels are welcome to participate. Indicate which team you’d like to join in your registration details.

At the Google booth

You can find several 10uppers throughout the conference, including me, at Google’s sponsor booth. We’ll be helping to demo and showcasing some exciting work we’ve been doing in 2018 with our friends at Google.

Automattic Design Awards

We’re also participating in the inaugural Automattic Design Awards, recognizing nine of the best-designed ideas realized with WordPress. Lead UX Designer Sarah James sits on the jury with other leaders from the open source community. She is, “Proud to be among this group of design and community leaders and enjoying the opportunity to review the hard work of other designers and engineers, and to honor and reward their great work.”

The awards will be bestowed at the Automattic Design Awards Party Saturday night, which we’re also sponsoring.

WP Engine Event

Speaking of parties, we’re sponsoring the WP Engine Sounds of Nashville after party! Come to Honky Tonk Central on Lower Broadway for great music and food. Get there early, as space is limited, and an RSVP doesn’t guarantee entry. We hope to see you there!

Out and about

We’ll also have roughly a dozen 10uppers attending the conference, including our CEO, John Eckman, President & Founder, Jake Goldman, and a Vice President, Brad Miller (who joined us following our acquisition of Lift UX). Be sure to come and find us at sessions and around town this weekend!

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