10up speaks: one weekend, many locations

July 15-17, you can find #team10up speaking at WordCamp NYC, WPCampus, and WordCamp Lima.

WordCamp NYC

As Bronze Sponsors, we are excited to have three speakers at WordCamp NYC.

Adam Silverstein’s talk, “Backbone and the WordPress REST API,” will teach how to use and extend the WP REST API using Backbone.js, while avoiding common “gotchas,” such as maintaining accessibility or handling lack of browser-side JavaScript support.

In “Programming when you aren’t writing code,” Helen Hou-Sandí will explain that there’s more to programming than just shipping code. She will explain the benefits to taking time for more deliberate engineering planning than jumping directly from the idea to code.

10up CEO John Eckman will cover how to establish and maintain collaborative relations with clients in his lightning talk, “Client Diplomacy: From Adversaries to Allies.”


Senior Web Engineer Chris Wiegman is representing 10up at the inaugural WPCampus conference. This two-day event focuses on the use of WordPress by colleges and universities. Chris’s talk, “Securing Your Code — Advanced WordPress Security for Developers,” explains how to keep WordPress environments safe.

WordCamp Lima

Front End Engineer Mario Aguiar presents “Security in WordPress: an Eternal Battle” at WordCamp Lima. This talk will cover the basics of WordPress development, including an overview of 10up’s Engineering Best Practices.

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