Catch four 10up speakers at WordCamp Europe

WordCamp Europe 2015

WordCamp Europe is this weekend, and four 10uppers have made the trek to Seville, Spain to mingle and share insights.

I will be presenting on Friday on the experience of setting up WordPress for new users, raising questions about how WordPress can continue to drive adoption by catering to that audience. I’ll also be teaching attendees how to write documentation for the handbooks, inline docs, and examples for the code reference.

Director of Platform Helen Hou-Sandi is presenting Developing for Capabilities, covering approaches for mobile, responsive, and accessible development. Lead Engineer Eric Mann will be giving a short talk on Saturday on how to sandbox a development environment with Vagrant. Finally, Senior Engineer Adam Silverstein will talk about Backbone.js and WordPress, in Putting a little Backbone in your WordPress.

With a packed schedule and huge attendance, WordCamp Europe looks to live up to its name once again as the premier WordCamp abroad.

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