10up at WordCamp Philly

Once again, 10up is back for WordCamp Philly! This year, co-organizer and 10upper extraordinaire Doug Stewart will be joined by John Eckman, Allen Moore, and myself as speakers.

On Saturday morning, I’ll be presenting “User-First Approaches to APIs“, which will touch on what we mean by users, what it means to be a maintainer, and the excitement of a potential fields API in WordPress.

Right after that, Allen will be presenting “A Need For Speed: Performance Driven Front End Development,” focused on how front end performance affects User Engagement and Experience; best practices for performance driven front end development; and tools to measure front end performance.

Then  John will take us into lunch with “Getting outside the WordPress bubble“, a topic perfect for somebody with deep experiences with other CMS’s and their communities (including commits to Drupal 8!), as well as other communities at large.

WordCamp Philly holds a special place in 10up history, as the place where I first met Jake in 2011 and began my time as an agency-backed core contributor to WordPress. Doug even found this photo from that 2011 contributor day in the archives! We’re really excited about all of the great talks scheduled for Saturday, and what’s sure to be another fantastic contributor day on Sunday.

WordCamp Philly 2011

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