Telling my story at WordCamp Romania

WordCamp Romania

Universitatea De Vest Din Timisoara

Attending Speaking

I love working in a global community! WordPress touches every corner of the globe and attracts both writers and developers from just about every country on the planet. Many of them are so enthusiastic they hold annual WordCamps to celebrate the application that ties us together. This weekend, I get to visit one such WordCamp.

WordCamp RomaniaOn Saturday and Sunday, I’ll (Eric Mann) be visiting the far reaches of Europe at WordCamp Romania – my first international WordCamp experience! It’s going to be a trip to remember.

WordCamp Romania is themed around telling stories, so I’ll be telling a bit of my own history with WordPress as well as encouraging new developers to become even more involved in the platform.

Sunday is a “leisure day” when I hope to touch base with some other WordPress aficionados to sit down and work on core code (the WordPress 4.0 beta is coming near, we need all hands on deck!).

Above all, though, I’m excited to connect even more with the global WordPress community. WordPress is global, and 10up has a growing global presence. I’m just honored to be a part of both!

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