10up conferencing across the continent

Over the next few days, WordCamps and conferences all across North America, are featuring 10uppers as guest speakers.

John James Jacoby, Director of Web Engineering, will be hosting a Q&A session on BuddyPress and bbPress at WordCamp North Canton, on Saturday May 3rd, as part of the Beginner track.

JJJ presenting

WordCamp Ottawa will feature two 10uppers: Senior Engineers Taylor Lovett and Alison Barrett. Taylor will present Saving Time with WP-CLI, a walk through of WordPress in the command line, focusing on scalable practices and eye-opening use cases. Alison will be speaking on Developing Plugins Like A Pro, covering the basics of plugin development; her tips will have attendees writing plugins like a pro in no time.

Finally, Web Engineer Drew Jaynes is speaking at “Write the Docs” in Portland, Oregon on Tuesday, May 6th. Drew’s talk, Putting the (docs) Cart Before the (standards) Horse, is about how WordPress core developed documentation standards using 10 years of documentation, putting the cart before the proverbial horse.

See you around the continent!

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