Staying on top: 10up Learning Summit 2014

Around this time in 2013 we held a Developer Summit – an in person gathering of our team focused on skill building. We covered everything from PHP unit testing to JavaScript performance optimization, and even rolled out Varying Vagrant Vagrants. From SASS to duck punching, that summit influences how I write code today, when I still have the occasion to do so.

10up has grown since April 2013, not just in raw numbers (we’ve tripled), but in scope. Add a talented design team and nearly a dozen web strategists and project managers and our second annual “developer” summit already needs a rebranding: let’s call it a Learning Summit.

10up Summit Git Talk

This time, we’re taking over a resort in beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona. We’re kicking off on the afternoon of Tuesday, May 13, with practical activities focusing on the art of effective, consistent, and thoughtful client engagement. Wednesday we have three tracks filled with incredible workshops: design, engineering, and project management.

Design Track

  • Presenting to Clients within the Design Process (Taylor Aldridge)
  • In-Browser Design with WordPress (Tammy Hart)
  • Swank HTML: Markup, Element and Accessibility Tips (Andrew Mowe)
  • Intro to Git (Ivan Lopez)
  • Backbone JS in WordPress (Adam Silverstein & Carl Danley)
  • SASS (Dillon McCallum & Karine Do)
  • The Newest, Latest, and Coolest, featuring Modern Web Design (Daniel Immke)

Engineering Track

  • Analytics 101: Platforms, Best Practices (Vasken Hauri)
  • Working with the Command Line (Rachel Baker)
  • Migrations (John James Jacoby)
  • JavaScript (Eric Mann)
  • Advanced Git (Eric Mann & Taylor Lovett)
  • Working with VIP (Chris Marslender)
  • The Newest, Latest, and Coolest, featuring ElasticSearch (Aaron Holbrook)

Project Management

  • Setting Client Expectations (Jess Jurick)
  • Evaluating Sites with Purpose: Usability Heuristics (Jim Barrett)
  • Alignment and Agile Chartering (Dan Blaker)
  • Scrum (Dana Richmond)
  • The Post Mortem: How to End a Project (Heather Hogan & Drew Jaynes)
  • Giving Feedback (Grant Landram)

On Thursday, we break out for hackathon and unconference sessions we’re narrowing over the next week, from internal company tools to plugin projects.

Of course, we’ll spend evenings and lunches building face to face camaraderie with team dinners and social opportunities. We dive right back into client engagements on Monday, May 19, refreshed and carrying new and refined tools for our customers.

Does this sound like the kind of event you’d love to take part in? The bad news: it’s a 10up only affair. The good news is: we’re hiring!

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