A Conversation about the Future of WordPress

10up is a digital agency that hangs its hat on the viability of open source web platforms – WordPress in particular. We think WordPress is the platform of choice for content management and publishing, and we’ve built a team that shares these open values and grasps WordPress like few others. More than 25 of us have made core contributions, and we’re home to two core committers. Needless to say, as President, I spend significant time thinking about this platform, from its underlying code quality to the healthy – and less healthy – habits of its considerable community.

Where is WordPress heading? Where should it head? Where are the biggest opportunities? How can WordPress continue to dominate the CMS space in another 5 years? Does it make a good app platform? Is there another platform we should be mastering?

So when WP Elevate’s Troy Dean invited me to participate in a live panel on the “future of WordPress” with leaders like WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg, Woo’s Scott Basgaard, and Modern Tribe’s Shane Pearlman (among others), I didn’t hesitate to accept.

You can catch WP Think Tank tomorrow (February 25) at 8 pm UTC / 12 pm Pacific / 3 pm Eastern.

Rumor has it that, based on the reception, this might not be the only episode of WP Think Tank!

WP Think Tank

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