Will Seyffer brings digital advertising and monetization strategy to 10up

My name is Will Seyffer, and I’m 10up’s first Senior Monetization Strategist. I’m thrilled to announce the addition of strategic monetization to 10up’s core competencies; allow me to tell you a bit more.

I’ve spent the last five years guiding and managing operations for organizations that struggled to monetize online publishing, or simply needed support to maximize existing efforts. Advertiser management is the life blood of most online publications, and yet the required specialization has resulted in very few web agencies offering a meaningful understanding of those challenges, beyond superficial placement of ad calls within their designs. At 10up I’ll be collaborating with publishers, analyzing their web properties and providing strategic guidance and support that will maximize their profitability, all in harmony with the efforts of our first class design, strategy, and engineering teams.

As Senior Monetization Strategist, I’ll be collaborating with clients providing such services as:

  • Establishing robust advertising strategies and tools for the first time
  • Migrating away from ad networks to direct advertiser relationships
  • Analyzing and optimizing current advertising and partnership offerings
  • Critiquing, revising, and / or creating media kits
  • Creating entirely new monetization models to take advantage of new and unique opportunities
  • Configuration and troubleshooting of ad management platforms  (e.g. DFP)
  • Complete management of monetization operations (DFP management, advertiser relationships, etc)

Our goal is to offer publishers a tightly managed, end-to-end solution that ensures success for their online properties. 10up began with a focus on superb software engineering and publishing strategy, empowering content creators by getting web publishing software out-of-the-way. Since our inception, we’ve extended our in-house breadth with services like beautiful creative design that keeps readers coming back and systems engineering that ensures high performance, reliable scaling for millions of visitors. Now, we’re in-housing specialized expertise to maximize the way these customers actually pay our bills: advertising strategy. I can’t wait to get started.

If you’re looking for more information on our monetization services, please get in touch with us –  we’re ready and eager to help!

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